Winter, 2017, it’s cold, grey, and just downright miserable in the Midwest of the Ohio Valley. I was in a rut, I needed to help kick start my brain again, I got a new camera soon before this. The Sony x100f I needed to use it, I wanted to use it! So, I came up with a personal project that has been done many times before, I am sure!
My 30 Day Portrait Project! I asked friends, colleagues, and sometimes people I had just met 30 seconds before if I could take their photo. I got some good images and some bad images, I used what light was available to me at that moment. I did carry a small LED, light with me on most occasions.
This project will be kicking off again soon, I will do this one a little different, I will ask everyone that volunteers what motivates them, or a quote that they live by that will be included with their photo.